Home > Case > Catcher slide type
- [Nov.11,2009]Catcher slide type
Great for short under-neck screws that are difficult to compressed air feed or when the Y pipe can't be used.
Screw with the same diameter but different under-neck lengths can be tightened by combining this type fastener with a 2-axis ganged escape allowing 2 or 3 types of screws to be tightened using the same vacuum pickup pipe.
The stroke range can be freely set as needed because a step-type pickup method is used.
- [Nov.11,2009] Catcher slide type
- [Nov.11,2009] Y pipe compressed air feed & vacuum pickup type
- [Nov.11,2009] Upper screw fastener
- [Nov.11,2009] Y-pipe screw head guide rotating type
- [Nov.11,2009] Long catcher type (Y pipe section)
- [Nov.11,2009] Pipe jig type (Y pipe section)